Disease is a deviation from the normal functioning of the body which impairs health. Diseases manifest in the forms of symptoms and signs. There are infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases. Infectious diseases occur due to the invasion of pathogens like bacteria, viruses and protozoans in to the human body. They spread from one person to another by means of air, food, water, contact and also through carriers called as vectors. Genetic diseases, cardiac diseases, hormonal imbalances, malignancies and all come under the category of non-infectious diseases. The abnormal conditions that require medical attention are also termed as diseases. A person can be in a good medical condition or in a diseased condition. Physiological conditions are also there which require medical attention.
Professional health certification classes for medical experts that assist patients with serious injuries and other conditions.
Offers online training program for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course and certification which gives knowledge and skill to treat cardiac arrhythmia.
Allows healthcare providers to earn their ACLS certification and re-certification entirely over the Internet. Also includes BLS certification and PALS certification program.
National Critical Care Institute offers online ACLS certification and recertification programs. Provides study materials that are prepared based on the health recommendations of the American Heart Association.
Informative guide for people suffering with Mesothelioma including treatment, symptoms, prognosis and more.
Online guide on health issues and conditions & diseases. Includes common cures, remedies, and treatment options.
Informative guide striving to educate & prevent birth defects. Includes list of defects, symptom variations, FAQs, and treatment options.
Provides information about some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Includes treatment details and product safety information.
Provides information on capsules and gel which are used to treat skin problems caused by Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma (CTCL).
An inhaled medication for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
Prescription drug for the treatment of acid reflux disease or who have heartburn two or more times a week.
Moderated message boards with discussions on various diseases. Includes health guide, research, news, and more.
Community website to share health problems, symptons, treatments, research and more.
Offers trusted health information, expert advice, drug and treatment information, doctor ratings etc to help with health issues.