The country located in the south central area of Europe, Italy has a pleasant temperate climate, and populates a fair percentage of the people of Europe. The capital city, Rome is of historic importance and is regarded as the central area of western civilization. Italy, after the death of most of its population due to the spread of the pandemic plague, emerged to become the hub of Renaissance. As with any other country, Italy too faced invasion by foreign forces in the past. The Second World War saw the decline of the power of Italy and since then the country went through many crises and economic slow down. However, the modern Italy is a democratic republic that offers top quality life to its citizens.

All About Italy

Jun 29, 2010 |

Provides information about Italy including arts, fashion, health and lifestyle, events, recipes, sports & more.


Jun 29, 2010 |

Directory of selected websites about Italy, Italian and Italian American culture, news, communities, cuisine, travel, shopping entertainment and more.

Italian Chamber of Commerce

Jun 29, 2010 |

Portal of Italian Chamber of commerce, industry, handicraft and agriculture.

Italian Tourism

Jun 29, 2010 |

Offers information and guide for Italy tourism, trip plans, hotels, and other travel related resources.

Life in Italy

Jun 29, 2010 |

Provides general information about Italy including news, food & wines, culture, life style, fashion, weather, tourism, shopping ,real estate and more.

Pictures Italy

Jun 29, 2010 |

Gallery of Italian towns, landscape and touristic area showcases from assorted regions and cities of Italy.

The Informer

Jun 29, 2010 |

An online magazine in English for foreigners living in Italy.